Tuesday, November 3, 2009


Something fun and exciting that might 'wow' you??!
Animal & Pets Club(APC) is organizing an event called 'The DOG FASHION SHOW'.
This is the first ever event held in MMU Melaka campus that opportunate our lovely pets to be dressed creatively and they could win prizes!! It gives us great pleasure to announce that we are organizing this exciting event. So give ur pet (dog) a chance to dress up and show off itself for a change.

The details of the event:
Date : 15/11/09 (Sunday)
Time : 9am-12.30pm
Venue : MMU Malacca Main Field
Participating Fees : RM5 per dog
Entry Fees For Spectators : RM1

Refreshments would be provided
*Main Attraction : Best Dressed Dog & Most Talented Dog would be chosen, based on the voting by spectators.
*Also, there would be a special grooming demo by a professional groomer.

To enter, please register at our booth which would be open from 9th-12th November 2009 (Monday-Thursday) from 10am to 4pm at CLC Concourse MMU Melaka campus.
This event is also open to outsiders, so if you know anyone outside MMU who would like to show off his/her dog's talents please welcome them to do so!

Some safety precautions:
*Please ensure that your dogs are brought in cages or with a leash.
*Please also ensure that your dog has a valid license as we would not be responsible if in case MBMB makes a visit during the event. The dogs & the spectators safety are at YOUR OWN RISK although the managing crew would take all the safety precautions.

For more info, please contact the following person in charge:
Radzi - 0149314593 (director of event)
Dasha - 0123725097 (assist. director)
Ashvin - 0125020462 (assist. director)

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